Visualize BIG Data with ELK – a mimacom Webinar

February 4, 2015

Big Data visualization, easy and beautiful with Kibana. The Webinar in German “Visualize Data with ELK” focuses on the data visualization with Kibana, which is part of the elasticsearch ELK application stack. ​During the webinar we create a Kibana dashboard that includes real time interactive reports and graphic charts. These outputs allow you to dig into your dataset and start analyzing patterns. We also show you how to import from log file data using Logstash and other data sources, such as Hadoop. ​The webinar is mainly intended for Data Analysts and Leaders of IT-Departments, as well as other decision makers that currently work on the BIG DATA strategy within their company. Big Data visualization, easy and beautiful with kibana.

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About the author: Agim Emruli
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