Integration elasticsearch Liferay – a mimacom webinar

May 19, 2015

Alberto Martínez Ballesteros explains the integration of elasticsearch in a Liferay Portal, an innovation for which mimacom earned the Liferay Innovation Award in 2014, a price awarded by the german Liferay community. The volume of data is growing faster. Elasticsearch is a powerful search engine and data analyzer which provides an extraordinary experience for the user. The elasticsearch index is the basis for the improvement of functionalities, such as autocomplete, synonyms and geo location search. Nowadays, advanced analytics and data visualization can be executed with tools like Kibana, thanks to the elasticsearch index. The elasticsearch integration is the fundamental key in the Big Data strategy for our clients.

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About the author: Alberto Martínez Ballesteros

Free software enthusiast, beta-tester of new technologies by vocation and software architect by profession. I love new technologies, software development, playing with almost all the gadgets that have a screen or a lithium battery and, in short, getting computers to do what I want and not what they want ... Skynet, you will not win this battle.

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