GraphQL is a query language for API and a server-side runtime for executing queries using a type system defined for the data. In this article, we will try to make our hands dirty using React for creating a frontend to explore the benefits and challenges of implementation.
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In this series of posts we will create an application using react and redux, in which we will handle relational data. In this third part we will be fetching data from an API and storing it in the store, caching the data and using it from different components.
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Micro Frontends mimic the idea behind microservices, but for frontend instead of backend.
It's about splitting a single monolithic app into multiple, smaller apps, where each of the apps are responsible for a distinct feature of a product.
This makes it possible for businesses to scale better, when there's a team for every smaller app, which they can work on in isolation with their own technical decisions.
By keeping the apps smaller and separated, they are also more understandable and easier to apply changes to.
This should also make it possible for separate independent deployments.
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When we develop our React applications there is a part which is as important as the development itself, and which sometimes is left behind: the testing.
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In this post I will introduce Detox as a tool for end-to-end testing for React Native. Detox helps us reduce our reliance on manual QA.
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