Webinar: Mobile app development for Liferay

June 2, 2015

Do you know there are several ways when building a mobile application connected to the Liferay portal platform. Considering which of these ways to go always depends on the exact customer needs, the project characteristics and also on development team skills. This webinar shows how to benefit from AngularJS competence and build hybrid mobile app that integrates your Liferay Portal. We demonstrate how you can develop on one codeline and built your apps for the major mobile platforms such as Android and iOS with minimal effort using the Ionic framework. We present capabilities of such approach and summarize its positives and negatives points.

Embedded content: https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PLTWCW1PsWMn7vKhPAfKux0EQye4XwnyU5&v=woaralcapPc

About the author: Jean François Clercx
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