mimacom blog

你们好 - Elasticsearch and the Chinese language

December 19, 2019

Today we are looking into the Elasticsearch language support of Chinese. Chinese is spoken by the ethnic Chinese majority and many minority ethnic groups in China. About 1.2 billion people (around 16% of the world's population) speak some form of Chinese as their first language. We are an international company, so having customers in Singapore or Hong Kong makes it super interesting. Chinese consists of many dialects and mostly two written forms. In our first section, I will clarify which region uses what dialect and written form. After that, we are looking at what is supported by…

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Progressive Web Apps - Are We There, Yet?

December 17, 2019

The German "Onlinezugangsgesetz" (online access act) requires the municipal, state and federal governments to offer their services to citizens digitally via portals by the end of 2022. Paired with the increasing usage of mobile phones to access websites and online services, this poses big challenges to IT companies that used to develop solutions for governments.

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Magic Linux Commands

December 13, 2019

In my past 25 years, I have learned so many things about Linux, and yet I am still learning and discovering fabulous new material about the Linux Shell and their commands. In DevOps or Pair Programming sessions, my co-workers sometimes find it astonishing, what kind of commands I am writing. It looks like magic to some or like a hack to others.

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