Machine Learning

Performing Multi-label Text Classification with Keras

July 31, 2018

Text classification is a common task where machine learning is applied. Be it questions on a Q&A platform, a support request, an insurance claim or a business inquiry - all of these are usually written in free form text and use vocabulary which might be specific to a certain field. This article demonstrates how such classification problems can be tackled with the open source neural network library Keras.

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Getting started with Tensorflow and Java-Spring

June 29, 2018

One of the goals I set for this year is to explore Machine Learning (ML), so after having done a couple of courses here and there, I decided to do a -rather simple- starting project, where I could deal with some of the basic stages of the ML: Get the data, prepare it, choose a model, train it, evaluate it, export it, and make the predictions available for use. For this first project, I chose:

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