Continuous Engineering

A day without Atlassian tools?!

February 19, 2015

There are plenty of interviews and articles praising the added value of using Atlassian tools. To check those perspectives, as an experiment, we turned it around … They say we only really appreciate the value of things after they’re gone. Imagine the following situation: We are a medium-sized software development company, with branches in a few European countries. Together we have around 150 employees, most of them developers, project managers, line managers and administration. All employees use Atlassian tools like JIRA, Confluence, etc., in their daily work. Looking at the daily work log of…

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Automated PhoneGap builds with Grunt and Maven

December 1, 2014

The idea of Continuous Integration (CI) which was first published in an article of Martin Fowler in the year 2000 is an integral part of nearly every modern software development project. This is also true for mobile applications. PhoneGap allows you to write mobile applications with JavaScript, HTML and CSS only without the need to write a single line of native code in languages such as Java or Objective-C. These projects are either built manually with the appropriate platform specific SDKs or just by using the “PhoneGap Build Cloud Service” provided by Adobe. This build-service offers you a…

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