
Docker with Liferay DXP

February 8, 2017

Docker containers wrap a piece of software in a complete filesystem that contains everything needed to run: code, runtime, system tools, system libraries – anything that can be installed on a server. This guarantees that the software will always run the same, regardless of its environment.

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Developing plugins for Liferay DXP with Maven

July 27, 2016

A new major version of Liferay has been released past May with a lot of new features. One of the most important is related to plug-ins architecture. Basically Liferay is a web application running in a Java EE application container where plug-ins were built as separate web applications. But DXP introduces a module framework based on the OSGi architecture.

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How to develop portlets with Spring MVC Portlet in Liferay

July 7, 2015

If you work as a portlet developer on Liferay Portal based applications, you will probably know that Liferay allows you to use lots of different frameworks in order to accomplish this goal. For instance, you are free to use Struts, JSF, Vaadin, Spring or any other framework you prefer. In adition, Liferay provides out of the box two extra frameworks/tools that can help us in our development tasks:

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Webinar: Liferay Migration CE to EE

June 3, 2015

Liferay EE offers a lot of benefits especial in the enterprise context. When the decision is taken to migrate to an EE Subscription, than comes the technical challenge migrating the existing portal. In this webinar, we present you how your existing CE portal can be migrated to a EE portal. We showcase common pitfalls and obstacles providing you with insides from our customer migration projects. Embedded content:

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Webinar: Mobile app development for Liferay

June 2, 2015

Do you know there are several ways when building a mobile application connected to the Liferay portal platform. Considering which of these ways to go always depends on the exact customer needs, the project characteristics and also on development team skills. This webinar shows how to benefit from AngularJS competence and build hybrid mobile app that integrates your Liferay Portal. We demonstrate how you can develop on one codeline and built your apps for the major mobile platforms such as Android and iOS with minimal effort using the Ionic framework. We present capabilities of such approach…

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