
Using Java 8 Dates with Spring JPA and PostgreSQL for Custom Queries

October 5, 2018

Storing dates in databases was traditionally done with java.sql.Date and java.sql.Timestamp. Since we would like to write modern applications, with Java 8 or 11, it is preferable to use an OffsetDateTime or a LocalDateTime. Spring Data JPA, for example, is mapping those fields automatically to the correct database field. There are still some challenges in combination with PostgreSQL.

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Getting started with Tensorflow and Java-Spring

June 29, 2018

One of the goals I set for this year is to explore Machine Learning (ML), so after having done a couple of courses here and there, I decided to do a -rather simple- starting project, where I could deal with some of the basic stages of the ML: Get the data, prepare it, choose a model, train it, evaluate it, export it, and make the predictions available for use. For this first project, I chose:

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Data transformation with Spring Cloud Stream

April 4, 2018

Spring Cloud Stream 2.0 comes with a more consistent and simplified message transformation support. In this blog post we look into how we can convert a message in XML format received on a channel to JSON and send it to another channel to be consumed by further message handlers.

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