With the frequency of patch releases being available for Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF), it becomes inevitable to automate their roll out in any professional operations setup.
The patch releases often contain security fixes that harden the deployment, but also lot's of bug fixes that are highly useful to roll out.
Typically, operators need to not only upgrade a single Cloud Foundry environment, but have to operate and patch multiple deployments of Cloud Foundry.
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Can we eliminate or minimize the risk when turning a business idea into reality?
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In this article, we give a small introduction to a particular component of software development. We are going to introduce the Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager OSS, in the following Nexus, and its purpose in the software development/continuous integration process.
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Our last post about Cypress only touched the surface of what we can accomplish with this new framework. This time, we will cover more advanced features with complex examples.
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This is the first part of a two-part blog post that is concerned with extracting data from Jira and using it for further applications such as visualization, evaluation, and using the power of machine learning to gain valuable insights in the data.
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