
Integration elasticsearch Liferay – a mimacom webinar

May 19, 2015

Alberto Martínez Ballesteros explains the integration of elasticsearch in a Liferay Portal, an innovation for which mimacom earned the Liferay Innovation Award in 2014, a price awarded by the german Liferay community. The volume of data is growing faster. Elasticsearch is a powerful search engine and data analyzer which provides an extraordinary experience for the user. The elasticsearch index is the basis for the improvement of functionalities, such as autocomplete, synonyms and geo location search. Nowadays, advanced analytics and data visualization can be executed with tools like Kibana,…

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Liferay in Action - Reader experience

September 21, 2014

As a part of preparation for the Liferay Certified Professional Developer exam, I read this book about Liferay. Liferay is a Java based open source portal project, which offers a sophisticated programming interface for developers. The book Liferay in Action was authored by Richard Sezov Jr, Liferays Knowledge Manager and author of the Liferay Portal Administrator’s Guide. He also leads the team, which is responsible for the documentation and training materials. The book is mentioned as the official guide for building Liferay applications. The actual edition of the book covers Liferay version…

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